Welcome to community.whatshelikes.in

Welcome to Community by whatSHElikes. A platform for like-minded women like you to browse, discuss, share and have meaningful conversations about topics or interests that matter. A place that goes beyond stereotypes and enables a heart-to-heart connect. This space is always abuzz with the latest in news & reviews. Don’t miss out on the chance to be a part of India’s only online women community, with us. We welcome you to join us, for the wonder that’s womanhood.

If you are new here, and before posting on the community, read the below for your information, please…

  1. Visit the Top Page for the most active topics in the last year, month, week or day. In short most active discussions can be viewed here.

  2. Check out the Categories Page to get a broad overview of what’s happening here.

  3. Use the Search feature before posting a new topic, someone might have already started the topic. If not you can go ahead and create the topic of your choice and let the like minded ones join the conversation. As you know this is your bestie-adda and there is nothing that stops you.

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Discuss: Discuss your interests, ask questions, get answers, suggestions, share updates, opinions, news etc. on community.whatshelikes.in
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Did we say that all the stories/posts/updates on whatshelikes will get posted on the community for you to comment or discuss? These discussions on the community reflect as the comment numbers that you may see against the respective posts on the site.

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by whatSHElikes